As a New Writer, These 5 Habits Opened a Ton of Doors

The only person putting pressure on yourself to publish quickly is you

Michael Thompson
7 min readFeb 28, 2022


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When I began writing five years ago, I didn’t think I’d have enough ideas for ten articles let alone 300.

And I sure as hell didn’t think well over a hundred of those articles would net between 10,000 and 310,000 views, I’d attract attention from literary agents, and receive invitations to write for mainstream publications and teach at well-respected MBA programs.

But after I found my voice and rhythm, that’s exactly what happened. Taking the time to learn how to write effectively has completely transformed my career.

Today, I make a good part of my living helping other people to walk through previously closed doors through the power of words.

Like anyone, I made some major mistakes when starting out. But I also did some things right. Below are five of the best decisions I made when I began writing that I’m glad I developed the discipline to turn into habits.

1. I forced myself to be patient

I thought I’d done the impossible.

When my dad returned a draft I’d sent to him for feedback, instead of the page being covered in his signature red…



Michael Thompson

Co-creator of two cool kids • Storytelling Coach •.Fast Co., Insider, Forbes • Free storytelling guide here: